Hotels & Restaurants
Hotel Lighting
Outdoor Lighting Designs by Preferred Properties has over two decades design experience to build you the “Preferred lifestyle” you so deserve.
Distinguishing lighting effects the mood of the workers, hotel staff and parlays emotion into potential guests and friends of the Hotel as they arrive. The efforts of a good lighting demonstration or above ground demo allows the homeowner or property manager to see the possibilities that night lighting presents. Beauty, usefullness, safety security and emotion are in all our award winning designs.
LED color kinetics dramatize the theme of this hotel in downtown Stamford. When asked to visit the site of this eight story Hotel zero degrees. It was clear to nightlighting designer Michael Gotowala to design an array of glacier blue n white Lite to portray frozen and zero like temperatures of the themed hotel zero degrees. With the use of Phillips kinetics and their world class controls, we introduced the ease and range of colors in the spectrum to symbolize different themes throughtout the season. For instance breast awareness month throught Stamford This October can be supported by coloring the hotel facade pink. Upcoming holiday cheer goes red n green. Valentine’s pink and St Patrick’s day green. How did this happen? The design control process with have a controller dial and board allowing manual override of color choice throught the entire spectrum. With the I phone or a computer one could change the color easily as well.
Outdoor lighting designer Michael Gotowala has earned recognition nationwide amongst his peers as his passions have exceeded the norm. His vision and strength of the outdoor world has made Michael excell in outdoor lighting design. As a member of the AOLP- Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals, Michael has receive awards of distinction for residential in 2008 and Specialty Lighting awards in 2010. The idea here at the Hotel is to illuminate a trademark. Make a statement and be tasteful about it. Michael has aligned his manufacturer rep and lighting design controller to accompany him on the Lighting Demo. We are going to do what is best for the client. The wows and remarks are already outstanding.
The Goodwin
Hotel Zero Nowalk
Hotel Zero Stamford
The Blake Hotel
Restaurant Lighting