

How important is the reflection of light in the practice of Landscape Lighting. It is very important to understand the principles of lighting reflection so that you can carefully apply the correct strategy for enhancing optimal results. More importantly understanding the behavior of reflection and avoiding too much reflective light in one direction safe guards damaging images such as glare. This two fold lighting strategy to create mesmerizing reflections and subdue glare back is a prerequisite to award winning outdoor lighting design. Glare by far can be the worst distracting and damaging result of too much direct light. An overage of direct light on any one surface or reflected light in the direction of the viewer can be disturbing and even blinding from certain points of view. Professional outdoor lighting design considers careful placement of fixtures, direction of light and control of the right amount of light emitted reducing glare and optimizing reflection. 

When reflection comes to mind so does a large body of water. The reflective qualities of light bouncing off the water is quite impressive. The reflective light movement gives off emotion and creates absolutely incredible scenes to look around at from many various points of view. One important view often forgotten is from indoors looking out through panes of glass. Some surfaces, like windows, can easily allow light to pass through unlike other surfaces like mirrors which reflect light.

The intensity of reflection also depends on the properties of the surface, much less an issue outdoors at night because most surfaces are dark and do not reflect light well.
Direct outdoor landscape light will brighten mostly the object it is directed at and little of the surroundings. Indirect light reflects on the surrounding surfaces to create a soft wash perfect for walkways. Feeling confident about reflection and its qualities of light