I have had the pleasure to speak with a leading home security system professional in our area. We discussed in great detail the importance of home security and the excessive options that sales people try to topple you with. For extra added security and comfort features opt with a professional competent in both home automation and security. I know we all wish for the big screen tv. theatre room. However, this may be a more important issue to discuss with him.
A home automation security expert had explained to me some of the best features to add to your home security. The first was home automation module which links all the features of your home onto one central system. You would then be provided with a remote that allows you to enable features as you move through your home. How cool. Here a sound grab the remote and begin to monitor your door, windows, basement entrances and exits. You can then move freely throughout checking on the little ones.

The second feature is the capability of video monitoring. For a reasonable price home survelliance can be an emotional relief. Video monitoring and capture recording is now available for a modest price. Technology is awesome. You can now go as far as watching your home and premise on the internet from anywhere..
Thirdly is the ability to integrate night lighting and outdoor lighting themes onto your handheld remote. What was that? Hear something out back? Grab your remote double click and all the tree lights go on outside. Seem far-fetched? CSI MIAMI style. Yes, this is possible.

One can see out into the yard quite easily anytime of night. It is good too if you have pets and animals that you may want to keep an eye on. The attributes on night lighting offer beauty, usefullness,safety, security and emotion. Safety and security are important when you don’t expect it. Preparation is key. Covering the outside deters intruders and watchers from your home. Live on a dark street? Night lighting could be the answer. A sound night lighting design will work with anyone of the security professionals you choose. Say for instance your outdoor lighting goes on from 20 minutes before sunset til 11:30 pm. You should have your motion detectors set on a timer to go on at 11:31 pm. This way here if anyone enters the drive the motion lights detect and illuminate. Sounds suspicious grab your remote and activat the nightlighting surround in the trees.
Nightlighting helps in numerous ways. Intruders will select areas of darkness to stage and enter. If your landscape is nicley lit, it would be probable they may go somewhere else.

How do you go about this kind of transformation? Contact us we can help.
Opt for a free night time evaluation and discover the possibilities of just how safe and secure your home can be. Implement a night lighting scene to cover the aesthetics and usefullness of the property. Night lighting brings awareness to the areas that disappear into the night. What happens next. The outlets that the outdoor transformers are plugged into are intercepted and brought back to the security module interface. Now these can be programmed as accessories to your home security. Bravo, you get it.. Not that hard. Somethings to realize are you need to have plannng and preparation by both home security automation and outdoor lighting professionals. This is where we as outdoor lighting professionals, licensed by the State of Ct. and certified to work with low voltage wiring is important. A landscape designer who is licensed for low voltage is an ideal candidate to bring out the best of your night lighting scene. Electricians are more technical and we need them for the final engineering and installation. But electricians don’t really portray the best visions when it comes to understanding the landscape and how it should appear lit at night. Go onto Outdoor Lighting Design to see our efforts. Connect us to your home security professional of choice and we will do the rest.

To contact us go to Outdoor Lighting Design by Preferred Properties